Thursday, 13 October 2011

First start and Fire Up

Well after a holiday in Greece i was keen to return and make some progress on the build. Basically because after i returned of Holiday the tarp had blown off the body again (about the 5th time) and ripped to shreds. So after getting another one from DIY store, i have decided to give a good progress push, so i can get the body trial fitted before the crap weather arrives and I'm stuck with 4ft of snow again for 2 months like last year. To get the body fitted i need to get a few things ticked off the list,
  1. Engine Run
  2. Pressure up brake lines
  3. Fit prop shaft
  4. Fit remote rear bleed nipples
I want to pressure up the brake lines to check all the joins for weeping/leaks, as when the body is fitted visibility and access are next to none. Also i need to have the confidence that my brakes are the best they can possibly be, in case they are needed for an emergency!!

So i also needed to fire the engine.... the fun bit!! after making a small investment in a good quality battery and a few battery cables i took the plunge and fired her up.

The test fire was a massive success, however like any kit car build it just proved that nothing can be fitted once and left. Obviously to run the engine the cooling system needed to be set up. I wasn't bothering with the cooling fan as the engine wouldn't be run long enough to get that hot. However a little bit of a hole in the stainless steel of the header tank where it was made was a bit of a bummer, as i was constantly pouring water into the cap to stop it draining away and running dry. This however has been rectified by AK and I'm just waiting for it to be sent back.

Second issues is that i ran the engine with no prop shaft, so with the yoke not being on the output shaft of the gearbox there was no oil seal and threw oil all over the flood.... messy but smells lovely.

Thirdly my fuel pump is basically fooked. There is a crack in the casting where the output union is screwd in... this pissed me off no end. I had waited months for this to be delivered, and i knew i would have a battle on my hands to prove it wasn't me over tightening the union and splitting the casting. However a replacement has been fitted now and the knacked one can be returned to Edelbrock for inspection.. but after postage to the retailer, and then postage again back to America, its pointless throwing good money after bad. This has however annoyed me big time, as it was not me over tightening the union that split it and i cant afford to loose money like this.

So As soon as the return of my header tank, i will fit the yoke to the gearbox to make the oil seal, top up the gearbox oil, and run the engine again... then i can tick that of my list and make some progress on the brake system testing.