"Simon R" who luckily had invested in one when he got his GD build started. I did have some trouble aligning the gearbox to the block, as this involved removing the bell housing and fitting of the clutch arm and throw out bearing..... a simple task, or so i thought. Due to lack of experiance on this before i was just following instructions and clipping the thrower bearing into the end of the clutch arm and thus onto the pivot point on the bell housing. This did not allow the gearbox splined shaft to mate with the engine as the bearing was sat at an angle against the clutch springs.
So after some calls about and forum questions i eventually started browsing YouTube, then i saw a video informing me that the thrower bearing had to sit in the retaining clip on the arm, as opposed to behind it like i had done...problem solved and gearbox and engine became one.
So with the weather on my side for this time of year i rolled the chassis out, and lifted the rear end as high as i could on the axle stands, this aided the angle needed to get the gear selector in the correct position.
I wrapped a seriously heavy duty strap round the bulk of the block taking care it was not catching/scratching anything as it got tighter.
Then with a single ratchet strap round the gearbox i was able to offer the block into position. With the gear selector now in the correct place, i could simply tighten the ratchet strap which lifted the gearbox and engine level, and then slowly drop down onto the mounts.