Started tackling some long overdue bodywork prep. I'm just making a start on it really, i intend to leave most of the fine tuning for the body shop, such as door/boot/bonnet gaps. However removing the flash lines from the mold is a simple task so long as you don't take too much off and then leave a flat spot. So just long a tedious work with fine abrasive paper to take the bulk of them down. Another good reason to be fitting the interior and carpet after paint is because of the dust, fibreglass and gel coat creates an epic amount of dust and mess, so if this is all completed prior to interior fit it will save work later on i hope. After all logic says black carpet and lots of white dust isn't a good combination regardless of how care full you are.
The battery all fitted nicely in the corner and final adjustment for the battery clamps. I have fitted a battery cut off switch which will help eliminate battery drain over the winter period along with it being a safety feature if i need to kill the power quickly. I need to create a better earth point for the battery, as its currently on one of the body securing bolts, but i will change this to one of the quick jack positions next month (when i fit the quick jacks)
I have also fitted a full alarm and immobiliser which is IVA compliant. I'm obviously not going to go into to much detail regarding this, as its the main form of security for the car, but its remote fob activated so no touching of decoders to dash mounted switches prior to engine start. Nothing wrong with that style, but i just don't like them and look unsightly on the dashboard. The advantage to mine being remote operated is that it offers a boot release signal for boot solenoid, and security for the doors and bonnet. I have had to fit the door switches that run to the earth and the bonnet switch also. This will double up as the foot well lights switch when i fit them (probs after the car is legal and on the road)
As many builders will agree, if you start making changes, you make further work for yourself as you have to start thinking one step ahead for the final product. No big issue in this case, but where i have fitted the door switches they would rub on the inner face of the door when in operation. If this was just left as paint finish it would be rubbed off within no time. So the solution is just a couple of little protective alloy strips that can be held in place with a rivet. They have been added to the "fitted after paint" bag, as i don't want to drill the rivet out and have it rattling inside the void of the door. I have pre drilled the holes mind so its a simple 2 second job to finally fit.
Also little jobs like painting the door hinges have been done. Can't have these as raw metal once the body's painted, would look terrible. This did involve removing the door, but the advantage of that being that i can check when refitting that the alignment is ok for the door catches and panel gaps. I was pleasantly surprised that all was fine so long as attention was paid to the fixing point when removing then re-fitting.
When i ordered the battery tray from AK i also asked about the door hinge escutcheon plates. These will fit around the hole in the body for the hinge and finish of that area nicely. Polished stainless steel naturally, but after a quick trial fit there is some adjustment needed to the bottom plate.
As you can see the top will be fine, it will just be held in place with a rivet either side (again fitted after paint) and the excess area within the plate, just trimmed back. However the bottom plate looks too big. I have emailed AK regarding this and awaiting a response. Its either a case of trim the plate to fit, but this will make it into two pieces and might look daft? or another slightly shorter plate to be made. It could be that i have just been sent four top plates as opposed to two top and two bottom. As it is currently it sits far to proud of the door gap and would void with the door when open and closed. However no major issue to sort it, I'll keep you all posted as i get closer to fitting them.
Next month sees the first show of the season for me, Stoneleigh kit car show. I have ordered some quick jacks from Chris @ Brasscraft and when i fit them that should be the final cutting of the body prior to paint.... So another update mid next month hopefully.
I still need vasts amounts of cash for wheels/tyres and paint, so donations welcome!!!!